Adventures in shameless self promotion and being your own public relations specialist.
As a young performer, I quickly grew tired of working in dead-end productions. Still desperate for attention and eager to flex my creative muscles, I became my own producer and publicist. After years of obsessively devouring free trainings from marketing masters like Neil Patel, while juggling the promotion of multiple theater events, I can now claim to be a self-taught specialist in most things marketing.
When you don’t have much money, you learn to go hard on what’s called “earned media” (press) as opposed to “paid media” (advertising). Whether earned through a thoughtful press release or wild media stunt, I have garnered a bunch of press exploits. Here are some of my favorites. Enjoy!
I’ve boiled down 15 years of Public Relations experience into a playful, 30 minute class on Skill Share. Use the button below to check it out. Please review and share with your friends. Thanks!
“Insightful and Irreverent.”
“One of the strongest, hottest contemporary dancers of his generation.”
“Crazy, in the wonderful ways we need.”